Sunday, August 22, 2010

A former participant in our Spring Bible Study emailed me this poem. What a beautiful way she used to express what the Lord was bringing forth in her life as she moved through the Bible Study from a place of brokenness and bondage to freedom and renewal!!


Empty instruction, little mention of prayer.
Empty teachings without the Bible there.
Empty feelings-nothing felt much like love.
Empty life, uninspired from above.
Empty dreams that You didn't point me toward.
Empty values that meant nothing without You, Lord.
Empty "love" that only made me feel worse.
Empty worth, concluding that uselessness was my curse.
Empty ideas as I was blind and afraid.
Empty beliefs as the decision was made.
Empty emotions when I walked down the sterile hall.
Empty womb, I had let them take it all.
Empty heart every time I numbed the pain.
Empty hands as I searched for joy in vain.
Empty spirit, so I looked up to the sky.
Empty soul, but I heard You knock as I cried.
Empty of sin and filled with grace.
Emptied of hopelessness, joy in its place.
Empty vessel, God use me today.
Empty of me and filled with you, I pray!
All of this emptiness you chose to consume,
with Your love and a cross, and an empty tomb.

written by: Leigh Ramsey

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