Saturday, January 2, 2010

My Secret Place

This is my first post coming to you in this brand new year.... wow, 2009 was amazing and I am thrilled to see what our precious Lord has in store for Project 5:17 in 2010.

As my husband and I drove in the car yesterday a song caught my attention playing low on the radio and today you have the opportunity to listen to what I heard.... the song playing right now on this blog is sang by Michael Booth (of the Booth Brothers) and the title is "The Secret Place". This song moved me from the inside out.... chills ran up and down my back and continue to do so each time I hear it. I ask you to sit here today and listen intently to the message that God has allowed Michael to bring forth through this song.

For many of you, who are post-abortive like me, there is a secret place in your heart that has been closed for many years. Most have a padlock on the door and the hope that the key would never be found again.

But today Jesus is standing at the door of your heart, knocking ever so gently..... asking won't you let me in, let's go to that secret place together, you are not alone in this.... I will never fail you, I will never abandon you....

Isaiah 1:18 "Though your sins are like scarlet, I will make them as white as snow" is one of my favorite scriptures and is very personal to me. At one time I felt that I was had so much sin in my past, that I was beyond help or hope. Then stepped out on faith and I opened the door to "my secret place" and now that room is no longer filled with shame, guilt and pain... it is now filled with Love, Grace and Mercy as only Jesus can give !!

If you are struggling today, you did not come to this site by accident, Jesus wants you to know He is the answer.... trust Him.

Join me in prayer today..... Lord Jesus, here at the beginning of 2010 take over any hidden places of my heart, any place that I have locked up and won't allow even myself to look. Lord your word says in Hebrews 13:5 that you will not leave me or forsake me..... so here and now I step out on faith and ask you to wash me with your cleansing blood, please forgive me of my sins and give me a new life in you Christ Jesus..... amen

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